For the past two and a half years, whenever I was asked to describe my mission field, I would rattle off a host of negative arrtibutes; steady presence of drug dealers, street gangs, juvenile delinquents, run down/boarded up buildings, etc.
However, I need to repent of that mindset, cast out the negative, and re-focus on the positive. You see, I have learned that there are many wonderful people in this community, including lots of great kids who live here, and many older folks who can't afford to sell their homes and move. Then there are the caring folks who make up the neighborhood association, and the other pastors and clergy I have met since I returned to Troy.
I remember what this neighborhood was like 30 years ago when I lived here as a boy. The streets were safe. Neighbors watched over neighborhood kids (myself included) and let us know when they saw us doing not so good things. While North Central Troy has many unique challenges, it will see brighter days. There are many people who care and are praying and seeking the face of God to shine upon this city and this neighborhood. What a glorious day to be alive and to be serving the Living God.