For me, it started with a burden for the inner-city community I was born and raised in. After several years of preparation, God, in His time, followed that burden with vision as to how I will reach this community, then came the strategy that came to be known as The CORE Church. With all of that came His provision.
I call this Prevision...Vision...Provision (not really ingenious, but it works)
Prevision = Burden; the time leading up to the vision. I think about the place and the people a lot. I pray a lot. Jesus told His disciples,"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are so few. Therefore, Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out more laborers.(Matt.9:37-38)
Vision = How I see this happening. I'm seeking out godly counsel. The process of obeying and going is also in this stage. I'm sharing my vision with others some catch it, some don't. The church responds by sending me out. There will also be opposition. The devil will make sure of it. People close to you may not see things the way you do and may actually hinder you or try to persuade you to reconsider. God is clarifying his vision and preparing you for the journey that lies ahead. You know, at this point, deep down inside, at the core of your being,that God has given you this vision. Now it's time to trust and obay
Provision = I'm in the geographical location God has given me both a burden and vision for. By faith, I obeyed and went to the place God showed me. Now I must wait, as Abraham waited in the promised land, for God's provision (Heb. 11:8-10). My part is to love Him and love my neighbors; to live as Christ lived, love as He loved and serve as He served, thereby making Him known to others, in both word and in deed. If I am doing this, church planting will happen naturally. God always provides wherever He guides.
What is the vision God has given you?