We the Church must Be the Church so that others will See Christ in the Church and glorify the Father in heaven
at the CORE Church of Troy, we begin the second leg of our "We the Church...Be the Church...See the Church" sermon series. The first segment of this series, "We the Church," delved into the question of who and what the Church is (not merely a"what" but a "Who," not just "me" but, "we")
Be the Church asks the question, What are we the Church to do? The body of Christ in action, function, purpose, etc. looking at 3 basic statements...Live as Christ lived....Love as Christ loved...Serve as Christ served...and watch what God will do through His Church.
Be the church part I: How did Christ live? How does He ask us to live? What happens when we take Christ at His word and allow Him full access to our lives so that He may live His life through us...we become living epistles, conduits of grace, ambassodors of hope, peace and love...and a lost and dying world sees Christ in us and yearns for wnat we have in Christ.
It is my hope and prayer that our small but growing congregation will be inspired to "Be the Church" in our own community, as we seek to embed the missional/incarnational DNA into our local expression of the body of Christ.