Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow storms and power outages

After a week of recovering from ice storms, which took down trees, power lines and utility poles, and knocked out our power along with 83% of my neighbors (some just got their power back on yesterday) we are now getting a fresh batch of the white stuff. Looks like someone's dream of a white Christmas is coming true this year. Don't get me wrong, I like snow and white christmases and such. It's just the whining, slothful side of me that loathes the idea of shoveling lots of snow. I've learned to look at the brighter side of it of snow storms though
  1. I'll be getting plenty of excerise without having to drive to Gold's Gym, because my wife doesn't see the sense in spending hundreds of $$$ for a snowblower
  2. my 2 sons are now old enough and big enough to grab shovels and join me (quality family time)
  3. lots of snow makes for some great sledding, snowboarding and youth group fun time after church
  4. Provides plenty of excuses for downing gobs of hot chocolate
  5. with all of the extra time off from school for the kiddies, the snow gives them something to do besides hang around inside the house all day, playing video games and watching TV

Perhaps you have your own list of perks that come with a bountiful snow fall. Add a comment and tell me what they are