Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!

Actually, it was the ceiling that was falling at my young friend Adam's eatery, "Oliver's Naturals." Apparently a hot water tank in one of the apartments on the fourth floor burst and the water came cascading down through the walls and through the first floor ceiling of Adam's storefront. What a mess! The city water department arrived late in the afternoon and shut off the water supply to the entire building, leaving all tenants (including the Pod Coffee House) without running water for several hours as plumbers worked on addressing the problem. By 7:00pm the water was back on and Adam had cleaned up the mess in his own storefront. However, because of the extent of damage to his ceiling, he was unable to open for business today. God answered my prayer for Adam as he was at least able to set up a little serving area infront of his eatery and serve his famous, homemade, fresh squeezed lemonade and limeade. People were stopping by all day long and paying $3.00 per glass. By the end of the day Adam was a happy young man and was looking at his ceiling problem a little differently. This business is his sole source of income and he has a fiance' and infant son to support. I am thankful to my God and Savior for the opportunity to be an agent of grace and relief in this young man's life.