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August 23rd is slowly crawling up on us. Before we know it, Reach the Streets 2008 will be here. Last year was our first annual block party/community outreach event which we entitled "Taking it to the Streets 2007. Coordinated and hosted by 4ever1 Music Ministries, the CORE Church of Troy and Victorious Life Christian Church, we were able to provide many needy families with back to school supplies. We also had a free community cook-out, serving more than 500 meals, as well as all-day games and activities for kids. Four local Christian artists came and shared their gift of music and this inner-city community heard the gospel through both word and deed.
Once again, 4ever1 Music Ministries (fronted by CORE Church worship leader Donna Walsh), the CORE Church of Troy and Victorious Life Christian Church will join together as we lift up the name of Jesus and "Reach the Streets" with His good news of peace, hope and love.
Joining us this year, in addition to 4ever1, will be Howie Campbell and Free Union, Jim and Laura Bird and Friends and Driven Worship, along with Pockets the clown and some extra special surprises
Saturday, August 23rd is the date. 1:00pm - 8:00pm is the time. CORE Church Ministry Park, located at the intersection of 5th Avenue and 101st Street is the place. Please mark this date on your calendar and plan on joining us. If you would like to donate school supplies and/or help with the financial cost of this community outreach event, please contact Pastor Dave Lewis corechurch@gmail.com or Donna Walsh at DWALSH003@nycap.rr.com