Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Growing Up Catholic discussion group proving to be successful

Several months ago we embarked on a small group discussion utilizing a book and study guide written by Tim Lott, entitled, "Growing Up Catholic." What we thought would take six to eight weeks to get through has now been going on for twelve weeks, and we are still only about three-fourths of the way through the book.

Indeed the reading and discussion questions have been stirring up some great conversations. All but one in the group grew up Catholic, and the one who did not grow up Catholic is married to one who did. This study has been a great bridge builder into understanding our Catholic upbringing or that of someone we are close to.

A large percentage of people living in the Northeast claim Roman Catholicism as their religion. Many Catholics haven't been to church in years, yet cling to their religion at least nominally. There are many more, like myself and the book's author, Tim Lott, who at some point in their lives began to question some of the dogma and tenets of the Catholic faith and failing to find adequate answers; that is until the Holy Spirit opened our hearts and minds to the truths of Scripture.

You can check out this great little book and discussion guideby Tim Lott at http://www.growingupcatholic.net/