Two and a half years ago I was praying over the opportunity to return to the inner-city Troy, the very neighborhood I lived in as a kid, and had sought the advice of many people. Most of them thought I was getting myself in over my head, that it would take much resourcing and funding, and that I should think twice about taking my family into a dangerous neighborhood, to an empty old church building that needs a lot of work, with no money,no congregation, etc.
A few of these well meaning people were pastors. However, it was the advice of one older, wiser pastor, who I respect very much that convinced me to pursue what I believed God was calling me to. He told me to "Listen to the voice of God before the voice of men," and, "Wherever the Lord guides, He also provides." A few other godly men have encouraged me along the way, but those words of advice still ring in my ear as a reminder of who I serve and who it is that sent me.