The title cut from the CD, Love Revolution has stirred up my thinking. In this song Lenny sings about a love that will not let you go.
This love will never leave you
This love will never let you go
It is time for a love revolution
It is time for a new constitution
You are a child of the most high
As I have been listening to this song I was thinking about what my life would be like if I could learn to love the way God loves and it hit me; that is the essence of the great commandment; to love God and to love others. So, over the next several weeks we will disect the great commandment and, together, learn what this commandment means and how we can apply it to our own lives in our local church setting. What will happen in our community as we seek to live out this great commandment? It is an experiment I am willing to undertake and to lead our CORE Church family through.