Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Journaling my Church Planting Journey

I have been asked numerous times by many people to share my experience and journey as an inner-city church planter. I was doing this one or two at a time via e-mail, Facebook messages, etc., and in bits aand pieces via Twitter. The next logical step in doing this is to blog about it.

I was on an SEO website/blog today where the writer was sharing tips on how to have a thriving online presence through blogging and social media. His #1 tip? Blog/commincate about something you are passionate about, because if you don't love what you are doing and telling others about, then others will see through that and will pay little if any attention to what you are saying.

The #1 thing I am most passionate about is knowing Christ and making Him known. This is my personal purpose and mission statement; "To know Christ, to grow in Him, and to make Him known to others." That's it. From that purpose statement comes my vision and strategy--how I see myself accomplishing my purpose and mission, which is: to live as Christ lived, love as He loved, and serve as He served. If I can truly do that the fruit will come as I abide in Christ and He in me.

I am on a personal quest through the Scriptures in an effort to see how God reveals His plans to those whom He calls into action.

The idea is to try and identify how God has spoken to me, through His word and through the turn of events, and discern a somewhat understandable, working knowledge. I realize I cannot understand everything; that what God wants to do in me and through me is beyond what I can fully comprehend or imagine (Eph.3:20). However, in order to share my experience with others, what can I know, understand, and then pass along? So far, I am seeing a discernable pattern emerging. Is this a Biblical pattern, or just my attempt to define my experience and put it in a box and label it? We shall see!