Thursday, January 15, 2009

Discovering the Value of Social Media and Networking

My Twitter Bio:
Lead pastor of the CORE Church of Troy, social media/networking apprentice on my way to ninja status, helping people find their way back to God.

At the young age of 45, I'm caught between the TV/Telephone generation and the current iGeneration; internet, iPod, iPhone, etc. I am seeing the need to get with the times; to change with the changing times and embrace modern technology.

Social media and networking via the internet is not a new thing. Chat rooms, discussion boards, forums, etc. Have been around for awhile. What seems to be happening (I am a slow learner) is a streamlining or simplifying of what we've been enjoying for two decades.

I'm still a little behind. I don't have an internet ready cell phone. I still have my two and a half year old Cingular(now AT&T)/LG flip phone. I'm still learning the texting and IM features. Someday I'll move up to a Blackberry or an iPhone. But, by then there will be a new thing everyone else will be flocking to. I'm not as internet savvy as those who are half my age. I'm learning what SEO and other internet terminology is and hopefully I'll catch up and reach ninja status. But for now I'm enjoying being an apprentice of social media and networking and reaping the benefits thereof.