Our feed-a-kid ministry is continuing to grow as more and more children and their families come through our doors. We started this joint ministry effort with Rev. Willie Bacote and the Missing Link Street Ministry this past summer and have not stopped since day one. Every Monday, Wednedsay and Friday we are continuing to serve a hot, nutritious meal to children and families in the North Cental and South Lansingburgh neighborhoods of Troy. Serving these free community dinners has become a great way to connect with people and to build bridges for spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. We are getting to know many of our neighbors; to the point where they know us and trust us enough ask us to pray for them. We are not just feeding their bellies, but their souls as well.
Sunday, October 26th we partnered with our neighborhood association for our third annual community harvest party. More than 5o neighborhood children and their families came and enjoyed some games, crafts and snacks, and pumpkin decorating. It is through events like this that we are able to establish connections with unchurched people for the purpose of making Christ known in the heart of the city.
Monday, October 27th In addition to our three day a week community meal, we were joined by Jerry and Candy Moyer, who brought their Jubilee Gang children's evangelism ministry to Troy and blessed our socks off with an evening of fun packed adventure. 39 children and several adults came forward at Pastor Jerry's invitation and prayed to receive Christ. Pastor Willie Bacote and I were brought to tears of joy at the response of these children (and adults) and the work God has allowed us the privilege of carrying out on His behalf. This is the crowning achievement for all that we do in the name of Jesus, for the glory of God almighty.